In April 2018 we visited Sofia. It was a short weekend break with our Photoclub Trefshot. Sofia is a city with a big variety of very new building but also very old desolated buildings. In the centre of the town most buildings are well maintained, but further away the sidewalks are very dangerous. No tile or brick is in place. The Alexander Nevski Cathedral made a big impression, especially at night. The blue night colours are working very well with the yellowish lighted cathedral. Read more
- Hyperfocale afstand in de praktijk
- Herintroductie van de droge plaat
- Aspect ratio: zo ga je er slim mee om
- Mise-en-scène: hoe gebruik je het in fotografie?
- Het silhouet, we helpen je op weg
- Achtergrond egaal maken in Photoshop
- Waarom Black Friday het perfecte moment is om jouw camera gear uit te breiden
- Bob Thissen en Jeroen van Koningsbrugge Werpen Licht op Urbex Fotografie met Nieuwe Serie
- Harold Edgerton, uitvinder van het flitslicht