Ready to roar into a new adventure? Embrace the fast-paced thrills of Fortune Tiger, known for massive multipliers that can appear at any moment.

Awesome Summer Adventure in Landmannalaugar

I had an awesome summer adventure in Landmannalaugar. In July 2020 I went on an adventure with a group of photographers to Iceland. The main goal of this trip was to visit Landmannalaugar. Landmannalaugar is located in Fjallabak Nature Reserve (“Friðland að Fjallabaki”). Our tour guide Madelon Dielen drove us through rivers and dust roads bringing us to beautiful locations. After my adventure in Iceland in January I wanted a rematch with Iceland.

Road Landmannaleið
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Milk Book of the Month February 2020

My book Arctic Light Adventure is chosen book of the month February by the printing company Milk. I went on this trip in January 2020. It was an adventure because of the circumstances. Snow blizards made us being stuck in the Northern part of Iceland.

Arctic Light Adventure Iceland
Arctic Light Adventure Iceland
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What’s the fun of guided photo trips

What’s the fun of guided photo trips. Photography is a journey for life. There is always something new to learn or improve. For me photography is always fun. One of the things I picked up is going on photo trips. I joined my first photo trip in may 2013. It was a short trip to London with Madelon Dielen Fotografie. On this trip I heard about the P, M and A dial on my camera. My main goal on this trip was to learn about these settings and understand what they did. I also learned what shooting in RAW meant. Furthermore while my first photo trip was a city trip, most other photo trips are for landscape photographers. 

First of all what is the fun of these photo trips? I can hear you think “every photographer on the same location with the same pictures or that’s easy making nice pictures or ……….”. So what’s the fun of guided photo trips!

Bulgaria 2019 - with Yves Adams of Starling Travel
So what’s the fun of guided photo trips!
Bulgaria 2019 – with Yves Adams of Starling Travel
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Arctic Light Adventure Iceland

Our Arctic Light Adventure in Iceland started January 1st 2020. We flew with a group of seven people to Iceland to explore the northern part of Iceland in wintertime. Would we be able to see the Northern Light? How will the weather conditions turn out in wintertime?

Goðafoss in the Bárðardalur valley
Arctic Light Adventure  Iceland
Goðafoss in the Bárðardalur valley
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Colors of Autumn Bulgaria

In October 2019 I went on an adventure with a group of photographers to see the Colors of Autumn Bulgaria. Starling Tours organized this adventure as the travel agent. Our tour guide was Yves Adams who did an amazing job. He was always there to lend a hand, teaching us something, making us laugh and inspiring us every day. We were lucky to have two drivers. Emil and his wife Sevdalina, who were very kind people. Emil himself is a photographer as well. So we had two photographers who taught us.

The Melnik Pyramids - Colors of Autumn
The Melnik Pyramids
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Varanger Adventure July 2019

In July 2019 I went on an adventure in the northern part of Norway. Varanger is a peninsula with amazing landscapes. Nordic Vision was again my travelagent. Jan en Mart Smit (father and son) were the tour guides. The weather conditions where to good. A lot of sun en clear blue skies. So during daytime it was an adventure to find some spots to take nice pictures. During that time of the day we did some location spotting and photograph structures. (And that’s way out of my comfort zone.)

Structures on the shadow site of the rocks in sea
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My next adventure was in Germany

My next adventure was in Germany. In a place called Duisburg and Essen I visited Landschafstpark Duisburg-Nord and Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex. Two totally different places. The tour guide was Wilco Dragt and the travel organization was Nordic Vision.

Adventure in Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord
Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord
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Family portraits

From idea to framing

In our hallway we have some family portraits of our kids. But the portraits were taken some years ago. Time for some new ones! But we would also like to hang the portraits of their partners. The previous portraits were color portraits. This time I would like to do some black and whites. So the challenge is take seven portraits, each with the same look and feel. This is how I did it.

Old family portraits in hallway

Portraits with same look

First of all the seven new portraits should have the same look. I chose square format, f-stop 2.8 and a small light at the left side of the neck. So sharp eyes with fading sharpness to the back of the heads.  I have a lens that goes to f-stop 1.2 (85mm canon), so the sharpness at 2.8 should be great.

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My trip to Wales

In November 2018 I went on a photo trip to Wales with tour guide Wilco Dragt of Nordic Vision. I did not know what to expect of Wales. Was it like Scotland or Ireland?

Fairy Glenn

Our destination was on the isle of Anglesey just above the national park Snowdonia. We stayed in a place called Menai Bridge in Hotel Anglesey Arms. Read on to see my Spark page and the video I made of this adventure.

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